●材质优质、操作维护简易/The material quality, simple operation and maintenance
●工艺先进、耐久高、运行费用低/Advanced technology, high durability, low operating cost
●节能环保,结构紧凑轻便/Energy conservation and environmental protection, the structure iscompact and light
●排气洁净无油烟/Clean exhaust lampblack
●采用无弹簧旋片,实现低噪音、低震动/No spring, low noise, low vibration
●采用内置油逆止阀,实现泵无反油现象/Pump is realized by using the built-in non-return valve oil, without the phenomenon of oil
●采用内置油泵强制供油,实现泵在大气压以下长时间连续稳定运行/The pump is realized by using the built-in pump forced feed, continuous and stable operation under atmospheric pressure for a long time

●真空结晶,蒸馏,注入,预冷/Crystallization, vacuum distillation, injection, precooling
●真空过滤,罐装,压缩/Vacuum filter, canned, compression
●真空镀膜及工业炉作为前级泵及预抽泵/Vacuum coating and the industrial furnace as the backing pump and drainage pump
●粉体物料或液体的真空输送,收集/Powder material or liquid vacuum conveying, collection
●真空包装及食品加工工艺/Vacuum packaging and food processing technology
●热成型(吸塑,压空,发泡成型)/Thermoforming (blister, pressure air and foam molding)
●真空除气,脱泡,浸渗,浓缩,干燥/The vacuum degassing, deaeration, impregnation, concentration, drying
●真空吸附,夹具,吊具,吸盘/Vacuum adsorption, fixture, spreader, chuck/div>
●真空压合,定型,贴膜/Vacuum pressure, finalize the design, the paster
●工厂,医院,实验室的中央真空系统/Factory, hospital, laboratory, the central vacuum system
●和其他类型真空泵组合成特殊用途的真空机组/And other types of vacuum pump, vacuum unit of the special purposes
采购 :DPX单级旋片真空泵
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